ScalaSTM provides very strong guarantees (strong atomicity and
isolation), but only for accesses to Ref
and the provided
transactional collections. This is different from STMs that retrofit
transactional behavior onto all variables of an existing language.
Write skew
Write skew occurs when a transaction’s reads are validated at a different point in time from where its writes are applied. MVCC (multi-version concurrency control) algorithms allows write skew, because it performs reads against a snapshot taken at the beginning of a transaction while using locks to atomically apply the writes at the end.
One of the nice features of true atomicity is that it allows local correctness reasoning for each transaction. A system that tolerates write skews allows a greater fraction of transactions to commit, which is a good thing, but it makes correctness a global property. Some pluggable ScalaSTM implementations may allow relaxed consistency to be selectively enabled, but write skew is not allowed by default.
Strong atomicity
At its most basic, a software transactional memory is a way of isolating a group of memory accesses and verifying that those accesses are equivalent to some serial execution. The STM barriers that perform the transactional reads and writes include code that blocks or rolls back any accesses that violate atomicity or isolation. If non-transactional code bypasses the barriers and accesses an STM-managed memory location directly, however, the barriers can no longer detect all violations.
There are three potential responses to the weak isolation between direct memory accesses and concurrent transactions:
The runtime can provide strong atomicity and isolation by redirecting all memory accesses to barriers, even non-transactional accesses. While there has been some research in using dynamic recompilation to reduce the performance penalty of strong isolation, these require either deep integration with the VM’s JIT 1\ or a substantial warmup period 2.
The language can declare that a conflicting concurrent access from both inside and outside a transaction is an unchecked user error. This doesn’t sound too onerous, but the optimistic nature of transactions means that failed speculations must also be considered: inconsistent transactions may execute conflicting accesses from an impossible branch, or they may execute conflicting accesses after they have become doomed. Restrictions on commit order can prevent some of the most surprising behaviors 3, but the resulting systems still require whole-program reasoning to guarantee correctness. The privatization and publication problems refer to isolation failure for specific idioms.
The type system can prevent direct access to any memory location that might be touched transactionally 4. This can take the form of extending the type and access rules on normal mutable memory locations, or of encapsulating transactionally-managed data as private variables of some sort of cell, as in Haskell 5 and Clojure 6. We refer to the latter approach as a reference-based STM.
Scala favors safety and compile-time checking of program correctness, so the authors are of the opinion that it is only natural to employ types to avoid the problems of weak isolation. A deep extension to Scala’s type system to directly encode transactionality would be possible, but we can get type checking for much less effort by using the reference-based approach. ScalaSTM provides strong atomicity by encapsulating all transactionally-managed memory locations inside references.
A subtle issue with STM is that, unless special care is taken, only committed transactions are guaranteed to be consistent. Speculative transactions may observe an inconsistent state and only subsequently detect that they should roll back. These ‘zombies’ can produce surprising behavior by taking impossible branches or performing transactional accesses to the wrong object. This problem is greatly magnified in a reference based STM, because the STM cannot provide a sandbox that isolates all actions taken by the zombie. The read of a single impossible value may produce an infinite loop, so a transparent STM must either prevent inconsistent reads or instrument back edges to periodically revalidate the transaction. Only the first option is available to an STM implemented as a library.
The TL2 7 and LSA 8 algorithms use a global time-stamp to efficiently validate a transaction after each read, guaranteeing consistency for all intermediate states. This correctness property is formalized as opacity 9.
The reference implementation included with ScalaSTM is based on SwissTM
10, which adds eager detection of write-write conflicts to TL2’s
validation algorithm. Additional implementations should also guarantee
opacity, unless it is explicitly disabled using TxnExecutor.withHint
or TxnExecutor.withConfig
Irrevocable actions
One of the side effects of ScalaSTM’s alternate syntax for transactional barriers is that it avoids creating the impression that the STM can magically parallelize all existing sequential code, or that atomic blocks are always a better replacement for locks. This avoids scalability problems stemming from incidental dependencies, and avoids the semantic problems of irrevocable actions.
The semantic problems with hiding rollback and retry come from actions
that the STM cannot isolate or undo, such as I/O or calls to external
libraries. ScalaSTM does not try to automatically handle irrevocable
actions. Instead, it allows the user to register handlers to perform
manual cleanup or two-phase commit. Handler registration is accomplished
via methods of object Txn
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