Indexed Map

ScalaSTM includes TMap and TMap.View, which are STM-integrated concurrent maps. As for Ref and Ref.View, TMap operations check at compile time that they are inside atomic, while TMap.View can be used either inside or outside a transaction. There is also a corresponding TSet.

As an example, let’s use TMap to create an in-memory map that works like a database table with indices (actually indices over a view). It looks like this in the REPL

scala> case class User(id: Int, name: String, likes: Set[String])     
defined class User

scala> val m = new IndexedMap[Int, User]
m: IndexedMap[Int,User] = IndexedMap@19d2052b

scala> m.put(10, User(10, "alice", Set("scala", "climbing")))
res0: Option[User] = None

scala> val byName = m.addIndex { (id,u) => Some( }
byName: (String) => Map[Int,User] = <function1>

scala> val byLike = m.addIndex { (id,u) => u.likes }
byLike: (String) => Map[Int,User] = <function1>

scala> m.put(11, User(11, "bob", Set("scala", "skiing")))
res1: Option[User] = None

scala> byName("alice")
res2: Map[Int,User] = Map((10,User(10,alice,Set(scala, climbing))))

scala> byLike("scala").values map { }
res3: Iterable[String] = List(alice, bob)

A high-level sketch

The key of the IndexedMap works like the primary key of a database table; it is used to uniquely identify entries to update or remove. An initial cut at IndexedMap (without indices) can just pass operations through to an underlying TMap. Since reads are only a single transactional operation it is more concise and more efficient to use the TMap.View returned from TMap.single.

import scala.concurrent.stm._

class IndexedMap[A, B] {
  private val contents = TMap.empty[A, B]

  // TODO def addIndex(view: ?): ?

  def get(key: A): Option[B] = contents.single.get(key)

  def put(key: A, value: B): Option[B] = atomic { implicit txn =>
    val prev = contents.put(key, value)
    // TODO: update indices

  def remove(key: A): Option[B] = atomic { implicit txn =>
    val prev = contents.remove(key)
    // TODO: update indices

Types for the view function and index

An index on the IndexedMap is defined by a function from an entry to a derived value, the one that will be indexed. We can add flexibility with little effort by letting the function return 0 or more derived values, and then declaring that the entry matches if the desired value is one of the derived ones. This means that the function that defines an index has the type (A, B) => Iterable[C].

An index should allow us to locate all of the entries with a particular property, so the return type of an index lookup should be a collection of entries. It is likely that the caller will want the actual values, but to resolve duplicates the entries should also be identified by key. This suggests that an index lookup should return something that can be iterated to get pairs of A and B. Map[A, B] is an Iterable[(A, B)], and fits the bill nicely. Locating entries is the entire purpose of an index, so an index can just be a function, rather than a new public named type.

  def addIndex(view: ((A, B) => Iterable[C])): (C => Map[A, B]) = ...

Tracking and updating indices

We’ll keep track of the indices with a Ref that holds an immutable List. The STM’s transactional types mix well with Scala’s immutable collections, because there is no problem sharing those between threads. Note that we’re careful to add all of the existing elements of the map to a new index.

  private class Index[C](view: (A, B) => Iterable[C]) extends (C => Map[A, B]) {
    def += (kv: (A, B)) // TODO
    def -= (kv: (A, B)) // TODO

  private val indices = Ref(List.empty[Index[_]])

  def addIndex[C](view: (A, B) => Iterable[C]): (C => Map[A, B]) = {
    atomic { implicit txn =>
      val index = new Index(view)
      indices() = index :: indices()
      contents foreach { index += _ }

To simplify the index implementation, put will separate updates into an index removal and an index insert. (It is straightforward to make a more efficient implementation would optimize the case that a call to put did not change an indexed property.)

  def put(key: A, value: B): Option[B] = atomic { implicit txn =>
    val prev = contents.put(key, value)
    for (p <- prev; i <- indices()) i -= (key -> p)
    for (i <- indices()) i += (key -> value)

  def remove(key: A): Option[B] = atomic { implicit txn =>
    val prev = contents.remove(key)
    for (p <- prev; i <- indices()) i -= (key -> p)

Index internals

Now all that’s left is the actual index implementation, which relies on another TMap. This map maintains the exact mapping from property to entries that is required to implement Index.apply. There’s a bit of care required to handle the case when there are new derived properties or when all of the entries for a property are removed.

  private class Index[C](view: (A, B) => Iterable[C]) extends (C => Map[A, B]) {
    val mapping = TMap.empty[C, Map[A, B]]

    def apply(derived: C) = mapping.single.getOrElse(derived, Map.empty[A, B])

    def += (kv: (A, B))(implicit txn: InTxn) {
      for (c <- view(kv._1, kv._2))
        mapping(c) = apply(c) + kv

    def -= (kv: (A, B))(implicit txn: InTxn) {
      for (c <- view(kv._1, kv._2)) {
        val after = mapping(c) - kv._1
        if (after.isEmpty)
          mapping -= c
          mapping(c) = after

The source

The code for this example is part of the ScalaSTM source on github: IndexedMap.scala.